Today, the American Society of Civil Engineers' released their 2017 infrastructure report card. The United States again received an average grade of D+, holding steady but not improving since the last grade in 2013. Below is a statement from Partnership for Working Families Executive Director Nikki Fortunato Bas:
"Today's failing grade for America's infrastructure comes as no surprise. We hear daily from families across the country, especially in communities of color and low-income areas, who have to worry about the safety of their drinking water, aging schools and sparse public transit. And this is to say nothing of the more visionary projects we need, including access to broadband, childcare and green energy."
"Currently, cities and states are taking the lead on funding infrastructure projects. Seventy-five percent of government spending on infrastructure comes from state and local governments, but these funds fall far short of the investment that is needed. If the federal government is serious about rebuilding and modernizing America, they need to propose a publicly funded plan to invest in the projects we need."